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"Digital Textures" - Kursus i Assens

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This workshop will take place in English, but we will of course help each other with the language when necessary.

The workshop is led by Francesca Piñol, the artist behind A fabric of Landscapes at The Flax Weaving Museum - Hørvævsmuseet - this summer. Francesca Piñol is professor of Textiles at Escola Massana, Art and Design Center, Barcelona.
Read more on www.francescapinol.com and see Sample of Woven Designs here.


- The TC2 digital loom, how it works

- The graphic representation of the textile structures

- The process from the digitized image to the drawing design

  (ready to weave)

- The final preparation of the drawing design, the digitized drawing

  that contains all the necessary information to weave it


The course will be based on:

- an introduction on the creation of textile structures

- the explanation of the digital loom TC2

- the preparation of two images on the personal computer,

  prior to the passage to the loom

- Weaving on the digital loom: two palettes of textures and two designs

What is needed:

- notebook with graph paper

- personal computer with photoshop program installed.

   You can download a free trial for 7 days here.

Directions and public transport: see here

Possible accommodation: see here

Coffee, tea etc.: Course participants at Hørvævsmuseet have access to a kitchenette, where you can make coffee or tea for free. You must yourself bring something to eat - maybe make appointments on the course. The café at Hørvævsmuseet opens at 1 pm, where you can buy cake and various snacks.

More information:

Telephone: 64 72 28 85, weekdays at 9 am -1 pm

Email: aftenskolen@hoervaevsmuseet.dk

Nårupvej 30
5620 Glamsbjerg

Næste mødegang:
23-09-2024 kl. 09:30
Francesca Piñol

Kontakt kursusudbyder:
5620 Glamsbjerg
T: 64 72 28 85
E: aftenskolen@hoervaevsmuseet.dk

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